Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fifty-Seven Pennies

Fifty-Seven Pennies
Luke 18:16
            Just a little girl.  Just an ordinary little girl.  Nothing to make her stand out from all the other little girls in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  In fact, she was one of the insignificant ones—one of the poorer residents of the city, part of a poor family living in a poor neighborhood.  Yet as happens so often, God used her to bless millions.
            She wanted to join a Sunday school, but was told there wasn’t enough room for all the children who wanted to attend.  How many times have the poor been told there was no room for them?  It seems I remember a baby born in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago whose family couldn’t find room.
            Two years later the little girl became sick, and—quite possibly without proper medical care—in a couple of weeks she died.  Under her pillow was found a small, tattered book containing 57 pennies and a piece of paper on which she had written, “To help build the Little Temple bigger, so more children can go to Sunday school.”
            Someone had the foresight to bring the 57 pennies and the note to the pastor of the Little Temple, who told the story to his congregation.  A story like this doesn’t stay quiet for long.  Soon it reached the newspapers, who spread it far from Philadelphia—in fact, all across the country.  As you can imagine, the story of the little girl, her pennies, and her desire to see the Sunday school grow touched many hearts.  The pennies grew—and grew, and grew.  How much did they grow?
            The Little Temple church has been replaced by a much larger church, one that seats 3,300 worshipers and has lots of room for Sunday school classes.  But her pennies didn’t stop with the church.  There is also Temple University, with an enrollment today of over 37,000 students on seven campuses and sites in Pennsylvania and on international campuses in Rome, Tokyo, Singapore and London.  In addition there is Temple Hospital, one of the region’s most respected academic medical centers.
            All from the humble beginning of 57 pennies.
            Her name was Hattie May Wiatt.  She died in 1886.  The pastor’s name was Russell H. Conwell.  With her vision and her “seed money” he was able to build a large church, a respected center of learning, and a hospital, all dedicated to serving humanity.  What mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow!
            God can use anyone, anywhere, any time.  It isn’t necessary to be rich, or have a position of power, or influence within a community.  All that is necessary is to have a vision and act to make it become a reality.  God doesn’t promise that all of us will be as successful as Hattie May Wiatt, but God does promise to use even our humblest efforts to bring about God’s kingdom.
            Listen to the words of Reverend Conwell:  “[The one] who can give to this city better streets, and better sidewalks, better schools and more colleges, more happiness, and more civilization, more of God, [that one] will be great anywhere!”  By this definition, Hattie May Wiatt achieved greatness.
            God waits to use you.  Whatever your gifts, whatever your economic or social status, whatever your age, whatever your education level, God wants to take you and use you to grow the kingdom of heaven here on earth.

            What are you waiting for?  Start collecting your pennies!”

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